Wednesday, May 27, 2009

session 2

My favourite piece of technology is my mobile, I have mobile from twelve years, my mother give it to me. Today I have a mobile Samsung f275 that is an incredible object that I itself buy. It is a long-range electronic device used for mobile voice that it allows me to know where the persons that I love are. It used every day, in the university, in my home, in the street, etc; my mobile follows me for all places.
I like my phone because with I can listen to music with very high volume; also I can have good photography as: landscapes, animals, family and my friends who always want to capture good moments.
My mother despairs when she does not know of me. My mobile is very necessary for my work, since I have to go to and from punctually and that I don’t have clock, use my mobile also to know all the time I have to do my trips. My life would be a serious chaos without my mobile!


  1. your mobile it`s great i used to have two like that jajaja,but something happen with them, now i have one new but not modern, whatever it`s only for recive calls in my case.
    i see youu

  2. Your mobile is great, I want one like this too. My cellphone is very old and I can´t here music. I only can make phones and take photos, but in a very bad resolution.
    I hate you, hahha no I am kidding (L).
    see you

  3. my mobile is older than valentina's one ahahaha xD

    is a beautifull mobile... but i love mine!!! is a very resistant xDDD

    ps: i like the music in your blog... xD i feel in jamaica or something ahahahaha...


    i probably see you tomorrow


  4. hahah yeeah your mobile always save our moments when we play ping pong xD! take care see you soon bro

